Planet Transit Astrology

Transits refer to the movement of the planets in the zodiac on a regular basis. These movements affect the life of the native. The effect is less than the major period and generally equivalent to the influence of the yearly chart. The major period influences approximately 60% of the chart, and the subperiod represents about 20%. The rest distributes between the transit, yearly chart, and the yoga. The ratio is about 8% to the transit, 8% to the yearly chart, and 4% to the yoga.

The essential transit's to follow are those of the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter. You can observe the other planets' transit, but they are not as significant unless you look at something specifically related to that planet. For example, if you are looking at surgery or something related to property, you will consider the Mars transit. Count the transits from the birth Moon; this is the first house for counting transit. If the moon is in the third house and your Jupiter is transiting the fifth house, this is considered a third house transit.If the Transit Chart indication is not present in the birth chart, it may not be fully manifest. For example, if someone has debilitated Jupiter in the eighth and the birth chart, even an excellent Jupiter transit will not be very significant. Transits have their effect in three ways.

  1. The effect due to the house through which they are passing.

  2. The effect over the houses they rule. For example, if someone is Aries rising, the Sun is the Lord of the fifth house. It will affect fifth house actions like children, education, investments, spirituality, family, and social relations. This is regardless of whether the Sun is transiting the fifth house at that time or not. When there is a good sun transit, activities in the fifth house may improve. When there's a bad Sun transit, activities in the fifth house may suffer. If the Sun goes through a seventh house transit(which is not beneficial), the fifth house's activities will suffer. If the Sun goes through a third, sixth, 10th, and 11th house transit, the fifth house's activities will improve.

  3. The effects on that planet's activity in the birth chart. If the Sun, in our above example of Aries rising, goes through a good transit, the natal Sun will also benefit.

Transits of the Moon

The moon transits every 1-2 days and thus has a strong effect on daily actions, activities, and emotions.
Transits of the Sun.

Understanding the Sun transits necessitates a basic understanding of the Sun's movements in the zodiac, which is discussed below.

Solstice is the time when the difference between day and night is the greatest. There are two solstices, Summer(around June 21) and winter (around December 22). At the time of the summer solstice, we have the longest day on the shortest night. At the time of the winter solstice, we have the shortest day and the longest night. There are four crucial astrological points concerning the transits of the Sun. The winter and summer solstice, as mentioned above, and then the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes. The Vernal equinox occurs around March 22, and the Autumnal equinox occurs around September 23; at these times, the day and night are of equal length.

Picture Copyright 2010, Professor Kenneth R. Lang, Tufts University

Let's begin a year-long transit of the Sun from the point of the vernal equinox March 22. At the vernal equinoctial point, The day and night are equal lengths. As the Sun moves from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice, the days gradually lengthen until June 21, when we had the longest day(Summer solstice). The day shortens from the summer solstice, and the night increases until you reach September 23-the autumnal equinox when the day and night are again equal. As the Sun continues to move from this point, the night lengthens and the days shorten until we reach the winter solstice – December 22-when we have the shortest day and the longest night. From here, the days begin to grow longer, and the Sun reaches the vernal equinoctial point again on March 22.

Astrologically the Vernal equinoctial point(march 22) is 0° Aries, the point at which the sun transit from Pisces(12) into Aries(1). His son continues to move from Aries two Taurus to Gemini, and we choose the summer solstice points at 0° cancer. At this point, the Sun is vertically about the Tropic of Cancer. At the summer solstice, the Sun begins Dakshinayana; it's Southerly course through the galaxy. It transits Cancer, Leo, and Virgo and reaches the autumnal equinox at 0° Libra. It then continues it's Southerly course through Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius until it comes to the winter solstice at 0° Capricorn. At this point, the Sun is vertically above the Tropic of Capricorn. Here it commences its Northern course through the universe, which is known as Uttarayana. The Sun reaches back to the vernal equinoctial point after it transit's Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The solstices are the times maximum northern and southern declination of the Sun at 23° 28 minutes. Maximal Northern declination is associated with the summer solstice. The maximal Southern declination is related to the winter solstice.

The vernal equinoctial point changes yearly by about one degree. If we use this as the basis of the zodiac, it requires some correction yearly in this regard, this is called a moveable zodiac. Vedic astrology avoids this issue by using a fixed point in Revati as the basis of the zodiac, and is thus said to be based on a fixed zodiac.

The above is the year of the sun transit of the zodiac. The Sun spends approximately one month in each sign, and his movements from one sign to another can have a significant impact on life. The Sun, like all planets, is one of the subtle energies that surround us and affect us profoundly. Let's look at what happens when the sun transits to the various houses. The Sun represents our external appearance behavior, physical body, energy, home, head, father, power, influence, spiritual nature, inflammation, fevers, pregnancy, rewards, and recognition, among other things. Generally, the better Sun transits are the third, six, 10th, and 11th houses.

Transits of Jupiter

Unlike the Moon and the Sun that transit frequently, Jupiter transits signs once a year. Jupiters effects are going to be related to the factors that Jupiter controls. These factors include happiness, wealth, spirituality, children, kindness, education, house, and longevity. Like other planetary transits, Jupiter will give effects in the house it transits, in the houses it rules, and Jupiter's location in the natal chart. The good Jupiter transits are generally related to the second, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh houses.

Transits of Saturn

Saturn transits a sign very slowly. It is, in fact, the slowest moving planet in this regard. It will stay in a sign for about 2 1/2 years, which gives it about 30 years to make it around the zodiac. Saturn governs many things in life and is one of the most significant planets in the horoscope. Karma, suffering, difficulties, detachment, health, longevity, and happiness are among them. Since it stays so long in a particular sign, its effects will be felt for an extended period in each sign. As with other transits, it influences the house it is transiting, the planets it rules, and Saturn in the natal chart. Saturn is generally helpful as a transit in the third six and 11th houses and can cause difficulties in the other houses.

A unique quality related to Saturn transits is Sade Sati. This is when Saturn transits the twelfth, first and second house from the natal moon. This period Can bring unique difficulties. People generally undergo 2-3 Sade Sati periods in their life. Sade Sati gives results depending on the signs involved and any other influences that are present. Generally, it is worse for Cancer and Leo moon signs. If the moon is in the signs ruled by Venus and Saturn, it generally does well and can give positive results.

The first time one goes through this, there may be a crisis of identity, lack of purpose, and an attempt to find a path for your life. There is great confusion about your goals, and you begin to set a course that you may follow for the rest of your days.

The second time one begins to see the nature of the material world or becomes a little frustrated with life. The foundations of your life begin to falter – there may be health problems, divorce, the parents may die, or struggles related to money made manifest. You can feel lost, confused, unhappy, and dissatisfied despite externally appearing to have everything.

The third time, one has to deal with severe illnesses, death, legacy, regrets, loss of a spouse, and possibly children.

Though Saturn brings difficulties, it is essential to remember who Saturn is and why he's acting. Saturn is an agent of our karma, and he is giving us the results of our previous wrong actions. Saturn is a devotee of Narasimha and is merely doing his duty. He's allowing us, through our suffering, to see that this temporary material world is not our eternal home. We belong in the spiritual world with the divine Lord, where there is no pain and suffering. Saturn's actions can allow people to access divine grace and attain sincere spiritual realization. Even though Saturn is a fearful planet for many people, if we truly see who he is, we realize he's doing the most incredible service by bringing us closer to God. If we can see this world's temporary and miserable nature, we could focus our eyes and heart on our journey home.

Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash


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