What are Sacred Gems?
All gems are a gift from the depths of Mother Earth, nurtured and created over millennia. At Sacred Gems, we harvest these precious wonders and purify them through a ceremony of gratitude and appreciation for nature’s gifts. Through the application of sacred sound utilizing ancient mantras meant for the ultimate benefit of all living creatures, every gem is purified, infused with healing potency, and carefully prepared to be received by you.
Along with your Sacred Gem, you will receive instructions on how to activate the gem’s potency and welcome it into your life.
The Power of Gems
Since time immemorial, gems have been used to heal and balance planetary energies. Although gems are rare and beautiful, they are precious because they give power to those who wear them.
The Garuda Purana is an ancient Vedic text that dates back thousands of years and describes how Gem therapy was used to enhance people's lives.
Gems work through electromagnetic energy and frequency. The energy of the stones, coming through the planets, is transferred to the body. In the body, it works at the subtle, mental, and physical level. The frequency of the stones is converted into the energies the body requires.
A proper stone can bestow great benefits. This is very important science and one must consult a proper astrologer to understand which stone is best for them. A wrong stone can have an adverse reaction.
There should be strong meditation by those who wear the stone for the desired benefits one hopes to achieve. For children, parents can meditate on the desired benefits.
Finding the Right Stone
An important factor in finding the proper gemstone is that it is ‘astrological grade’. This means the stone should be natural — from the earth, untreated, unheated, unenhanced, and not modified or created in a lab. Artificially created or enhanced stones will not have any astrological benefit. Many stones are treated in a lab to make them more attractive. The different laboratory processes can minimize the electromagnetic energy in the stone and render them inert.
It is important to buy a gemstone from someone with experience in recognizing the difference between lab created and natural gemstones.
Gemstones are an amazing and natural way to decrease the difficulties present in your life. We can use these wonderful gifts the divine has placed on earth to naturally decrease our suffering and increase happiness.
Rubies for Sun
Emeralds for Mercury
Red Coral for Mars
Pearls for Moon
Diamonds for Venus
Blue Sapphires for Saturn
Yellow Sapphires for Jupiter
Hessonite for Rahu
Cat's Eye for Ketu