In a stressful, data-driven era, many people find comfort from astrological insights.
Vedic Astrology: The First House
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Eclipses in Astrology
Eclipses play an essential role in astrology. Both lunar and solar eclipses can have a significant and long-lasting effect on the houses, planets, and signs they influence. A good understanding of the astronomy of eclipses and the astrological effects on the chart can help in making accurate predictions.
Transits refer to the movement of the planets in the zodiac on a regular basis. These movements affect the life of the native. The effect is less than the major period and generally equivalent to the influence of the yearly chart. The major period influences approximately 60% of the chart, and the sub-period represents about 20%. The rest distributes between the transit, yearly chart, and the yoga. The ratio is about 8% to the transit, 8% to the yearly chart, and 4% to the yoga.
Free Will and Karma in Astrology
A question that frequently arises when I do astrological readings is about free will and karma; is Astrology written in stone, or can it change according to my choices? This is a very intelligent and important question to ask about and concerns the fundamental topic of past life karma, destiny, and our choices.
Vedic Astrology vs. Western Astrology: The Fixed and Moveable Zodiac
Vedic astrology and Western astrology represent two different systems of looking at the stars. It is important to understand the differences between the two systems and how they developed. Here we will include a general discussion of the difference between the systems along with the definition of some important terms relative to the subject. Vedic astrology uses fixed stars, based on an ancient system that finds its roots in the Vedic scriptures and the words of the sages. Western astrology uses a moveable zodiac and is not based on the Vedas.
A Moment of Time Measurement for Auspicious Events and Beginnings
Have you ever questioned the best time for the important events in your life?
When should I ask my boss for a raise?
When should I buy a new car?
When should I make new investments to get the best results?
When should I start a new business?
When should I have that surgery?
When should my marriage be performed?
When should my child’s religious ceremonies be done?
The Moon’s Influence on You: Energy, Exercise, Diet, and Relationships
Do you have days when you are inspired to do things with enthusiasm and full of energy? And then there are days when nothing seems to work out! Bad luck surrounds us, and we just feel down. These types of days can be predicted by looking at the astrological transits of the Moon. The Sun (see my article on Sun Transits and the Solstice) also can play a role in this. There are good days depending on your astrological chart, when things will just go well. On those days you will have energy, and fortune will smile upon you. We sometimes call these days, lucky days, but in reality, it is not random, it can be predicted and followed.
The Astrology of Surgery
Elective surgery is a common question I get. To find the best astrological time which will ensure the best surgical skills, minimize complications, and give the best over all results. The planets have a subtle effect on all of us, at different times and different ways, various ethereal energies are influencing us all. When a major event such as an operation is considered, ensuring the best results is vital.
The Birth of Mercury
Mercury is a very important planet in astrology as it is strongly associated with the mind, intelligence, and emotions. The Mercury dasha (time) in a chart lasts for 17 years. Mercury is friends with the Sun and Venus, it is enemies with the Moon, and neutral with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo, maximal at 15 degrees. It is debilitated in Pisces, also maximal at 15 degrees. It is very powerful in its own sign of Virgo, especially between 16-20 degrees. In general, Mercury is a benefic planet but it is strongly influenced by the planets around it, which means it takes on the characteristics of its associated planets. This can cause it to behave like a malefic planet at times.
Who is Srila Prabhupada?
The Founder Acharya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
His Divine Grace Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder acharya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), was born on September 1, 1896, in Calcutta, India. His father, Gour Mohan De and mother Rajani De, named him Abhay Charan (one who is fearless having taken shelter at the lotus feet of Krishna.) Growing up as a Vaishnava, he performed rathyatra along with his sister and began serving his own set of Radha-Krishna deities at a very young age. Receiving his European education from Scottish Churches College, he rejected his diploma in response to Gandhi’s Independence Movement.
Hogwarts House in Astrology
The World of Harry Potter depicts four different houses in Hogwarts namely Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. We discovered that these houses can be described astrologically. This interestingly came about on our evening family walk while I was trying to teach my daughters about astrology. As I described a certain personality and how it would appear on a birth chart, my daughter Divya, a huge Harry Potter fan, said “That sounds like a Slytherin!” So, below is my analyzation of your Hogwarts house and astrology! There are multiple and multilevel influences on who you are as a person and your Hogwarts house. This can be ascertained in more detail by looking at the birth chart. This is just a brief introduction to your Hogwarts House.
Astrological Houses
What is a house? When you look up into the sky at the universe from the exact time and point at which you are standing, a chart is composed from that point dividing the 360 degrees of the sky into twelve equal size regions beginning from the eastern horizon. Those twelve equal areas are called houses. Through this ancient study we learn that the place in which the planets and stars are situated within these twelve houses, can be analyzed to determine what effect they will have on an individual’s life.
Planetary Influences
The placement of planets within a birth chart also impacts the evaluation of the astrological reading significantly. Different planets and their position in the sky at the time and location of birth determine different aspects of our health. Astrologically, everything is looked at from a geocentric point of view, that is, the earth being the center. All these planets have an effect on disease processes within the body, influencing when and what type of disease an individual may develop.
Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras)
There are twelve signs in a horoscope. These twelve signs influence the houses and the planets, sometimes making them stronger, sometimes making them weaker. They also play an important part in determining health. For example, we have discussed the planet Saturn, which indicates incurable diseases. When Saturn is combined with Aries, the first sign, it becomes much more deadly. However, if Saturn is influenced by Libra, the seventh sign, its effects are minimized. There are very stringent laws as to which signs influence which planets. This concept is very important in understanding the complex nature of how planets, houses, and signs influence health.
Bhrigu Muni, The Father of Astrology
Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Chapter 10
Text 25
maharsinam bhrgur aham
giram asmy ekam aksaram
yajnanam japa-yajno ‘smi
sthavaranam himalayah
Rahu the Shadow Planet
Rahu is a shadow planet and is associated with the moon. It is known as the north node of the moon. Rahu is naturally a malefic planet which is not the lord of any house. Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio. It is strong in its own sign of Aquarius. Rahu will act like Saturn, and also like the planets and houses it is associated with. Rahu represents past life karma such as the frustrations, fights, and fear we may have in this life. Rahu multiplies the effects of whatever it is associated with by giving the situation more strength or weakness. For example, Mars represents warriors or generals. When Rahu is well placed with Mars, it can make the general or warrior very powerful. When it is badly placed with Mars, that powerful soldier may become a brutal warlord. Rahu associated with Venus can bring great wealth but can also bring failed multiple marriages. Rahu in the second house can bring great financial loss when debilitated but great wealth when it occupies other positions.
Stress and Anxiety Astrology
Have YOU ever heard of stress!? This fast paced society has lead our way of life to a life full of stress and anxiety which ultimately can lead to depression. The Brahma Samhita says, we are eternal beings, full of knowledge, and bliss, “sac-cid-ananda.” Isn’t this what we all strive for? Life in this material world being completely the opposite, short lived, ignorant, and unhappy, causes us all to suffer from one degree or another. Through astrology I can help unlock some of the underlying problems in your life that may be causing you stress.
Legal Astrology
Legal predicaments in our life are a manifestation of past or even sometimes present karma. These can come out of nowhere leading us to anxiety as to what the results might be. Many times legal situations lead to other difficulties such as financial crisis and/or friction within the family. As an astrologer I can help guide you through questions such as, is this a significant issue? Will the results be favorable for me? When will this end? Allow me to help guide you through these legal issues with any questions you might have.
Medical Astrology
One of the most difficult sufferings that come upon us is our health. When we get diagnosed with life threatening health issues, questions may arise as to why me? Is this temporary? Will I be cured? That’s when you might consider health from an astrological point of view. I am happy to look at your or your loved ones chart to determine these answers and many more.
Corporate Astrology
Are you thinking of opening a new business or expanding your current one? Maybe you are planning a big investment and just aren’t sure? Are you sure this is the best location? Corporate astrology can help guide your decision by considering the best time and location for a new or current venture. We can partner together to make the best possible decision for your future gains.

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