Cat’s Eye for Ketu
How can Ketu affect your life?
Ketu is the planet of limitation, restriction, and loss. It brings obstacles through which we have to pass. It limits our true potential, keeps our goals out of reach, and can bring intense frustration. When Ketu is afflicted, you may experience poor health, physical weakness, great fear, apathy, accidents, poor confidence, violence, and aggression. Rare medical disorders and undiagnosed diseases can also emerge. One remedy for Ketu’s difficult effects is a Cat’s Eye gemstone.
How can Cat’s Eye help?
A Cat’s Eye may help improve energy, vitality, and physical health. The strength of the body and mind can increase. Confidence, natural leadership ability, and determination can manifest. Fear, apathy, and injuries can decrease. The limitations, restrictive feelings, obstacles and losses you are having can decrease.
When should I buy it?
Cat’s Eye is best bought on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. You can also look for the Moon or Ketu being in good Nakshatras — Ashvini, Moola, and Magha. Since most people are not aware of these details, I recommend just buying it on auspicious days either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
The setting should be a combination of Gold, Silver, and Iron. You can also use a single metal setting of White gold, silver, iron, or platinum.
It should be worn on the fifth finger of the left hand or as a pendant.
Finding the right stone
The stone should be at least three carats.
Cat’s eye Chrysoberyl is the most powerful type of Cat’s Eye. These can vary in color from honey color stone with a milky white eye to a green color stone with a milky white eye. The Eye should be strong and natural. An astrological Cat’s eye stone must be untreated to be effective.
Alternative gemstones for Ketu
(These are less potent so a larger carat should be used)
Tiger’s eye
Activating Your Stone
Before the Cat’s Eye is worn there is an activation process which maximizes the power of the stone. This should be performed on a Thursday anytime between two hours after sunset till midnight using the following steps.
1. Rinse the Cat’s Eye in Ganga water or other holy water.*
2. Rinse in cows milk (ahimsa is preferred)
3. Rinse again in water
4. Place on an altar in front of a picture of Krishna
5. Offer incense
6. Contemplate and meditate on the effects you wish to see manifest
7. Chant the following mantra 108 times
8. Chant the following mantra three times and place the 5th finger of the left hand, or around the neck if it is a pendant
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
*If Ganges water is not available, you can chant this mantra to invoke the holy rivers into your water.
gange ca yamune caiva godavari sarasvati narmade sindho kaveri jale ’smin sannidhim kuru May water from the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu, and Kaveri kindly be present.