Diamonds for Venus
How can Venus affect your life?
Venus is the planet of wealth, opulence, material gain, happiness, nobility, romance, marriage, relationships, and a comfortable material life. When Venus is weak, people struggle with issues related to their material life. Poverty, a lack of money, unstable home life, not having enough assets, and overall sense of struggle are common. In regard to relationships, unhappy marriages, inability to get married, relationships that continue to break up, and a general unhappiness within relationships are common. Fortunately, using gemstones for the planetary influence of Venus can be quite helpful.
How can a Diamond help?
If the difficulties you are experiencing are related to Venus , then an astrological gemstone can help. With a diamond, you may see an increase in your wealth and material comforts. Nicer homes, nicer cars, success in investments and a bigger bank balance. A marriage can become stronger and deeper. If someone has trouble getting married they may get married, and the general dissatisfaction in life also improves.
When is the best time to buy it?
Auspicious day: Friday
Another good time to buy a diamond is when Venus is exalted, in the sign of Pisces, or in its own signs of Taurus and Libra. You can also look for Venus being in good Nakshatras — Bharani, Purvaphalguni and Purvashada.
The setting should be silver, white gold, or platinum.
It should be worn on the second, third, or fourth finger of either hand or as a pendant.
Finding the right stone
The stone should be one carat or more
An astrological diamond should not have any black inclusions, fracture filled, or discoloration.
Contact Sacredgems108@gmail.com
colorless sapphire (white sapphire)
cubic zirconia
white coral
white spinel
Activating Your Stone
Before the diamond is worn there is an activation process which maximizes the power of the stone. This should be performed on Friday at sunrise using the following steps.
1. Soak the diamond in Ganga water or other holy water.*
2. Rinse in cows milk (ahimsa is preferred)
3. Rinse again in water
4. Place on an altar in front of a picture of Krishna
5. Offer incense
6. Contemplate and meditate on the effects you wish to see manifest
7. Chant the following mantra 108 times
8. Chant the following mantra three times and place the ring on the fourth finger of the left or right hand, or around the neck if it is a chain.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
*If Ganges water is not available, you can chant this mantra to invoke the holy rivers into your water.
gange ca yamune caiva godavari sarasvati narmade sindho kaveri jale ’smin sannidhim kuru May water from the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu, and Kaveri kindly be present.