Florida College of Integrative Medicine Lunch

On April 17, I had the great privilege of giving a talk at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine. This is an amazing and very busy acupuncture practice and school that is run by the children of its founders. The two sisters who run the school have completely followed in their parent’s footsteps and taken on the family business. They have a wonderful group of students and teachers, all of who were just so dynamic and with great questions. Halfway through my talk, one student wanted to know when I could start giving private lessons. So many people asked wonderful questions about karma and free will, which lead to a long discussion on these topics.

Scotty, one of the instructors told me that the weak planets seen in Astrology can be connected, through acupuncture, to particular points on the body and treated. We both agree this is such a nice way to combine the knowledge of astrology and acupuncture, and expect to work together on patients in the future. So many of the students, teachers, and administrators wanted to get astrological readings. I accommodated as many as I could with short 20 minute readings. Each reading was personal and private but gave them so much information to help guide the future and have some insight into past events. I offered to scheduled full readings in the near future. We are planning a seminar in August so these folks can learn more. It was a great first meeting and I’m looking forward to working with them as we move ahead.


Willowhaven Non-Profit Program in Orlando


Holistic Medicine and Nursing Care International Conference