APPI Convention in Atlanta, GA

I attended the American Association of Physician of Indian Origin Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. This was the 37th annual meeting. It is a huge gathering of all the doctors in America who have come from India, a very large and quite elite group. This was held at the Georgia World Congress Center — an absolutely massive building in downtown Atlanta. There were thousands of attendees, including physicians, Bollywood stars, and famous yogis. We shared a booth at the festival that focused on Astrology and The Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is a 5000 year old scripture in which Lord Krishna explains in great detail about yoga, karma, time, the soul, and the universe.

I was just amazed by the sincere nature of all the people who came to our table. We had hundreds of inquisitive seekers come through. They asked very insightful questions about Astrology and the spiritual path. Many people asked to have astrological reading done for themselves and their family members. It was wonderful to be able to give them some guidance and inspiration as to what may be happening in the future. I particularly remember one young man’s reading in which I told him the exact year that his father died. He looked at me in shock and said “ What, are you serious, how do you know that?” He then proceeded to grab my computer and stare at his birth chart for several minutes. I then explained to him that Vedic Astrology is an ancient science that can be understood by anyone who has the desire to learn. It is a spiritual science, which means there is a subtle nature to it and 2 plus 2 is not always four. As with any other field of knowledge it just takes time, intelligence, and patience. He was so interested in the Bhagavad Gita and the concept of reincarnation. I was so happy to help him in this way. It was a great time. My gratitude to my dear friend, Premvilas Prabhu from Columbus Ohio, who at the last minute allowed us to join his booth. Of course, I could not have done it without the assistance of my dear wife Premanjali who makes all the arrangements for these programs, sets everything up, makes the appointments, and so much more. This gives me the opportunity to focus on the readings. It really is a team effort.


New York City Rathayatra


Seminar at Prana Yoga Studio