Red Coral for Mars
How can Mars affect your life?
Mars is the planet of physical energy, health, sports, skill in using your hands, leadership ability, property, confidence, courage, and determination. When Mars is afflicted — poor health, physical weakness, great fear, apathy, accidents, poor confidence, violence, and aggression can be seen.
There are multiple gemstones which can be helpful for the influence of Mars, but the primary stone for Mars is red coral. This is the most powerful; the deeper red color is most effective. Avoid uneven stones, holes, cracks and look for smooth color and texture.
How can a Red Coral help?
If you are experiencing difficulties related to Mars, then an astrological Red Coral can help. By wearing a Red Coral you may experience improved energy, vitality, and physical health. The strength of the body and mind will increase. Confidence, natural leadership ability, and determination can manifest. Fear, apathy, and injuries can decrease.
When should I buy it?
Auspicious Day: Tuesday
Another good time to buy red coral is when Mars is exalted, in the sign of Capricorn, or in its own signs of Aries and Scoprio. You can also look for Mars being in good Nakshatras such as Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanishta.
The setting should be a mixture of copper and yellow gold.
It should be worn on the fourth finger of the right hand or as a pendant.
Finding the right stone
The stone should be six to eight carats in weight.
Contact: Sacredgems108@gmail.com
Alternative gemstones for Mars
These are less potent so a larger carat should be used.
pink coral
red jasper
Activating Red Coral
Before the red coral is worn there is an activation process which maximizes the power of the stone. This should be performed on Tuesday, one hour after sunrise, using the following steps.
1. Rinse the stone in Ganga water or other holy water.*
2. Rinse in cows milk (ahimsa is preferred)
3. Rinse again in water
4. Place on an altar in front of a picture of Krishna
5. Offer incense
6. Contemplate and meditate on the effects you wish to manifest
7. Chant the following mantra 108 times
8. Chant the following mantra three times and place the ring on the fourth finger of the right hand, or around the neck if it is a chain.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
*If Ganges water is not available, you can chant this mantra to invoke the holy rivers into your water.
gange ca yamune caiva godavari sarasvati narmade sindho kaveri jale ’smin sannidhim kuru May water from the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu, and Kaveri kindly be present.